Spring has sprung…….I think

Well we had the freakish winter. Living in the desert I don’t expect to get snow this winter we got over a foot and a half!!!! In four separate occasions! And having lived her for the past 8 years and not really had a winter, this was quite a shock to my system. I the heating bills were out of control! But that’s ok, that’s a totally different story. After Groundhogs Day, I was hoping for an early SPring, like he predicted, but we got another snow after that! So for the past couple of weeks it’s been slowly getting warmer and it’s been nice. But my nose is not agreeing with it. My nose is having problems. I need my allergy meds to kick in and for my nose to stop running but I guess I will have to wait until Fall.


Get out and enjoy the warm weather!

Some people…….

Some people just need to learn to slow down and think about what they are doing. Some thigns can’t be taken back. Thing about your words, how you are saying them, and what meaning might be behind them. What you say can be taken in so many different ways than what you meant. Words are a powerful tool that needs to be treated with respect.