Not what I planned

I have been a little distracted with the move and trying to figure out what I what changed at the studio that I completely forgot that this Monday is Chinese  New Year. I have to thing of something quick for the kids to make tomorrow. And something that we have. Not quite a great start to school right?

I am so ready for the weekend, much like the song. I don’t want to get up in the morning, at 5:30, to be there by 7:30. I have one kid who will be there at  7:30 for sure but the rest will be there after that. I just need to make sure to get myself out of the door by 7:20. That will be the hard part.

Inaugural Day

I hope was hoping that with today being the day that it is and yesterday was MLK Day that I would be in a better place, both in my mind and at the school but I was cleaning yesterday and now I only have to two kids, one of which is my own! Not actually uplifting. But things will get better right?

I am comfortable in my skin

I am starting to find some things really funny. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense at the moment but it will when I explain what I am talking about.

I am working with another teacher to get a program together for the adult dance classes. Like I have already explained in this post hw is just here for the adult classes not for the kids. Well S had asked me about a week ago, when we had worked together for about 3 nights so far, how I felt about going on a diet. Not for appearance reasons but mainly because it would make it eaiser for me to do the moves if I don’t have a lot of extra weight. The way that he said wasn’t offense at all but afterwards when I was in the car onmy way home I started laughing. If that had been said to me when I was in my 20’s I would have started crying, just bawling my eyes out over that.
In my 20’s I was not comfortable with myself so for anyone to say something like that to me hurt so much. A dentist told me something about my teeth and made some remark about me “being so pretty” and “what a shame it would be” blahblah blah. I started crying, all because he gave me a complement (kinda) and I was not comfortable with it. It’s a little sad when I look back at it now. I wish had been more secure in my body but for so many years all I heard was that I wasn’t skinny like my sister or smart like my other sister. Stuff like that.
But now I am in my 30’s, true I am only 32 but still that counts, I can deal with what is said about me. I will never be my sisters and tht is just something I have come to terms with. I am my own person and that is that.

She’s back!!!!!!!!!!

I was hoping that I would not have to post about K anymore but that is not to be the case. She has called me twice in the past 3 days and every time it was just to talk about nothing. I understand that she is going thru a lot of things and all but I don’t want to hear about it. She didnt call when she was on the road to let me know that she was ok and I am now working full time so I don’t have the time to do that. I have to put another ring on my phone so I know when she calls because I am not talking to her. If she doesn’t get the hint oh well.

Sunday, not quite what I wanted

Today was not quite what I had planned. I thought that by the time I was ready to go down to the studio and clean some and figure out what I needed to get now that she is gone. But the thing is that she wasn’t gone. She called me this morning and told me that she had a rough night and has been sick. I knew that she was going to be leaving a mess behind but when I got there this afternoon it was a little worse then I thought it waould be. It’s going to be a long week.

Sunday Scribblings

Even though it’s not Sunday anymore I thought I would still post this weeks prompt. This week’s prompt is Pilgrimage.

Since I am not religious and religion is what comes to mind when I think of pilgrimage I am going to talk about what places I have to go to. When I lived in CA and went to the mall I had to go to Mrs. Field’s. They had the best cookies and there was no way that I was going to the mall without having one of their cookies even brownies for that matter.

Bookstores. Any bookstore really. I don’t really care what bookstore I go to I just need to be in one to enjoy the books.There are a few places that I love to go to.

Parent/Teacher Issues

I had a small problem with one of the parents here. They pulled their daughter from school because of concerns about a teacher I have coming in to help me teach the adult class. The key word here is ADULT CLASS.

I got a phone call from a father of one of my students saying that they were pulling their daughter out of school until there was a little more information on my adult teacher. Apparently at his church they had just had seminars and classes on the whole sexual predator thing. Which in my opinion is a good thing. In this day and age everyone needs to be aware of what is going on around them. I have no problem with that. My problem is with him trying to tell me what I need to do with my adult class.

I told him that we could sit and talk about it one day after school and he could explain to me what the problem was. When he explained to me on the phone it came out as him being homophobic which in my opinion is not right. I am not homophobic and could really care less what they do on their time. Well I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I knew that this teacher S would not be a problem with the kids because he gets here just as the children’s class is ending and there is some time between the two of them. And he always asks me, when are the kids gone? I mean as soon as I am done with their class he wants to know when they are leaving. LOL.

Well S talked to S2 about S3 and it turns out that the other thing is that S2 was a little upset about S leaving so soon. Even though she had been telling everyone that she was going to move I guess no one took it seriously. Even for the past 2, maybe 3 weeks, she’s been packing and putting them up front. How can you not know that someone is going to leave when they do all of that. I don’t get it, how do you not know what it going on. A lot of the boxes were up front by the front door.

So now things should be ok and the daughter should be here on Tues like always but there are other issues that I have to work out with all of the parents.


It takes on a whole new meaning for me this week. I have always been happy for a Friday especially when I was working nights. This is the end of the first full week and I am soooo ready to get a good nights sleep and not have to rush to get up in the morning. And I also won’t have to deal with all of her stuff being out in the middle of the floor. It’s not that I want her out of here or anything but it’s the boxes and boxes of stuff out in the middle of the floor, staring at me, silently getting in the way. And every day it’s a little bit more. every morning I have gotten up around 5:30 a and then Mon thru thurs I wasn’t getting home until after 7 at night because I had a class every now. I’m not as sore I was when we started last week so at least now I know that things are getting a little bit better. Most days I feel so scattered brain that I don’t know what I want to do or need the kids to do at any given time. I am trying to do four things at the same time. I am trying o teach, figure out what I need to do for the kids ballet and also the acro/aerial class, then over moves in my head about the modern movements for class and try to plan for how much space I will have when all of the stuff is out of here. . Will it get easier? I hope so. It’s a matter of getting things started and focusing on one thing at a time. I have a lot of plans for the space but it’s a question of whether or not I can get it done and if hubby will help me with the move. I would think that he would since it would get a lot of stuff out of the house. I’ve also been trying to figure out what things I will need for the studio. There is the basic stuff like garbage bags, window cleaner, and toilet paper but then there are also other things like a couch for the kids to play on for circle time and movie time, a couple of rugs to lay on, curtains to hang up on the window, stuff like that. It will be easier to see what I need, once again, to have her stuff out of the way.